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ACT / SAT Mock Test


Please register below for the upcoming ACT/SAT Mock tests. We strongly recommend that the participant is the current High School Student. The test runs for 4 hrs. 30 minutes with few breaks. Please note that there will be a $5.00 nominal fee for the test and that can be paid on the day of the test. Snacks will be provided during breaks.

Advantages of Mock tests:

  • Know in Advance where your son/daughter at so that you can plan better for extra preparation.
  • It is very hard to make high school student sit for 4 hrs. 30 minutes at one place without distraction.
  • Testing in a group setting brings great focus, fun and discipline.
  • It provides great opportunity for students to exercise same procedures/tips as they do for real test like exercising good sleep, having good breakfast etc.
  • Great knowledge exchange in the community as parents/students get-together at one place.

Our ultimate goal of this exercise is to provide an environment similar to the actual test thereby enabling them to do well there. Please make a note that IAN will not be correcting the test papers but will be providing keys to students/parents.

Please make sure to register as soon as possible as we have very limited spots this time.

Mock Test Dates

Test Date & Time Location
ACT Nov 20th, 2016
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Millard Library, East Conference,
13214 Westwood Ln,
Omaha, NE.
SAT Dec 18th, 2016
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Millard Library, East Conference,
13214 Westwood Ln,
Omaha, NE.
ACT Dec 31st, 2016
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Millard Library, East Conference,
13214 Westwood Ln,
Omaha, NE.